The perfecting of blends is a fundamental moment in the production of the coffee. Depending on its origins, the soil the plant grew in and the scents of the surrounding cultivations, every coffee has a different character, unique aromatic notes and aftertastes, which make it unrepeatable. This is because coffee is a hygroscopic fruit, able to absorb surrounding smells and attune with the flavours and fragrances of the country in which it is cultivated. Therefore, creating a blend means becoming thoroughly familiar with every coffee plantation and knowing how to harmonise with others to create different flavours, yet maintaining a balance to meet the varied preferences of the many different coffee lovers.
Passalacqua has chosen to achieve many different mixtures and to do so by skilfully mixing as many origins as possible, from Mexico to Kenya, Jamaica to India, Guatemala to Vietnam. Click here to discover them all
A choice dictated not only by the desire to meet the different tastes of coffee consumers, but also to make its blends highly consistent, leaving each flavour intact over time.
At Passalacqua we know that not everybody likes the same coffee and that is why we create different and carefully fine-tuned blends based on the different tastes of our customers.

Choosing to produce our coffee with many origins (from 4 up to 11 in our blends) is not just about making a superior product, but also ensuring extraordinary consistency for our consumers in their coffee’s flavour. This means that when you find your favourite blend amongst the ones Passalacqua has to offer, you’ll never get surprises: can after can, cup after cup, its flavour and fragrance will always be the same as the one you fell in love with the first time.
We only select the finest Arabica and Robusta from the best plantations in the world, to create the highest quality blends. With 100% Arabic blends, we please the palate of those who love a particularly delicate and light coffee. For all other blends, we knowingly blend Arabica and Robusta, in order to satisfy the demands of those who love a coffee that is always exquisitely aromatic but more “Neapolitan”, with a more intense and well-rounded taste. Click here to find out more